Janek Zamoyski. Uncanny Valleys
Lele Art Space, Warsaw December 2024 Curator: Stach Szabłowski Guest Contribuition: Norman Leto Exhibition design: MatosekNiezgoda

Looking Into The Sun. Hanna Orzechowska
The sun in the artist’s work transforms from a red sphere warming the body and senses, through blinding luminosity depriving a subject of all perceptual barriers, to a cold star heralding disaster.

A tiger came into the garden. Art of Maria Prymachenko
Maria Prymachenko (1909–1997) is an icon of Ukrainian art. Her oeuvre has helped shape Ukraine’s cultural heritage. The exhibition A Tiger came into the Garden: Art of Maria Prymachenko is the first presentation of the artist’s work in Poland of such breadth.

Dorothy Iannone – Love Is Forever, Isn’t It?
The exhibition presents one of the most comprehensive surveys of Dorothy Iannone’s prolific body of work. The artist takes viewers on an emancipatory journey towards unconditional love, the celebration of matriarchy, and Eros.

Superorganism. Does the body have limits?
exhibition as part of Festiwal Przemiany, Copernicus Science Center 6-8/10/2023 Warsaw Artistx: Agata Szydłowska, Małgorzata Gurowska, Stanisław Łoboziak, Karolina Żyniewicz, Danny Warner, Anna Dumitriu, Natalia Kopytko, Terike Haapoja, Amy Karle, Olivia Arthur, Susanna Hertrich, Janusz Majewski, Bogdan Dziworski, Piotr Jędrzejewski,

“Burning” – exhibition of cut-outs by Monika Krajewska
All the gates are closed, but the gates of tears are open

With them
The story told by this exhibition begins with the work of an artist who, in a pioneering and individual way, began her own journey towards interspecies dialogue in the 1970s – Teresa Murak (…)

The image of the Golden Age. Temporary exhibition at the Wawel Royal Castle
Competition project

I First Award / Project of exhibition in National Archeology Museum in Warsaw
May 2022 Together with our awesome team, we won the competition for the core exhibition of State Archeological Museum in Warsaw. Project team: Art direction: Matosek Niezgoda,Paulina Tyro-Niezgoda, Piotr Matosek) Architecture: SUPERGUT STUDIO Katarzyna Furgalinska, Łukasz Smolarczyk 3D modeling: Mateusz Tywonek, Michał Majdak, Marcin

Vilhelm Hammershoi. Light and silence
A show of master painting by the Danish poet of color and light in the historic interiors of the National Museum in Poznań

The Interior of the Cathedral in Milan – a painting lost during the war and just recovered